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The Conference Advisory Committee is pleased to confirm the successful Symposiums as part of the Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference 2024.
All symposiums will be held on Tuesday 11 June, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM 

Symposium registration is ONLY for delegates registered to attend the conference.
To register your attendance please click on Symposium Registration button.

Registrations for the Symposiums will close on Thursday 30 May 2024.


Title: The value of vaccines across the lifespan

Organisation Name: Australasian Society of Infectious Diseases Vaccine Special Interest Group

Hosted by: Vaccine Special Interest Group, Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases

Symposium Summary:

VACSIG, a vaccination special interest group of the Australasian Society of Infectious Diseases, comprising of experts in vaccination, including infectious diseases specialists, microbiologists, and paediatricians from Australia and New Zealand.

This symposium is designed to be an engaging three-part session:

1.Exploration of Travel Vaccination: Through simulated scenarios, we will delve into pre and post-travel medical assessments, dissecting the evidence behind travel vaccine recommendations.

2.We propose a lively discussion on the "Value of vaccination across the lifespan." In this debate we will hope to discuss vaccines in infancy, adolescence, adulthood and pregnancy, including upcoming vaccines, and vaccines in the pipeline.

3. Knowledge of Australian recommendations: 1. Introducing a game of "Bingo" focused on recent ATAGI recommendations and other vaccine facts specific to Australia. We believe this session will deliver crucial information for immunisation providers in an interactive and engaging manner.


Title: Transforming Pathogen Genomics into Public Health Action

Organisation Name: Communicable Diseases Genomics Network

Hosted by: Communicable Diseases Genomics Network; Teaching, Training and Curriculum Working Group

Symposium Summary:

Pathogen genomics is becoming increasingly ubiquitous within public health surveillance and disease control systems worldwide, providing the greatest resolution of pathogens and enabling earlier detection of outbreaks and targeted public health response. With the increased utilisation of genomics, particularly across Australian jurisdictions, there is a need to develop resources that expand, upskill, and maintain a genomics-literate workforce. The CDGN Teaching, Training and Curriculum Working Group (TTC WG) are hosting this symposium to engage and educate policy makers and public health stakeholders through an introduction to pathogen genomics, and the challenges, current applications, and future opportunities for genomics within public health surveillance and response. 


Title: First Nations excellence and innovation in infectious disease control in regional and remote communities in Australia using point of care testing (POCT)

Organisation Name: Kirby Institute UNSW

Hosted by: First Nations Infectious Diseases Point-of-Care Testing Programs.

Symposium Summary:

The symposium will examine the critical integration and role of First Nations governance, shared decision-making, co-design and collaboration enabling the delivery of decentralised infectious diseases point-of care testing in primary health services in regional and remote communities in Australia. This symposium will discuss how innovative diagnostics, flexible training and robust quality systems, culturally responsive service design, meaningful collaboration and co-design, and First Nations governance models are essential to strengthen service delivery and uptake of POCT services as part of a comprehensive approach to improving the health and wellbeing of First Nations people. The symposium will hear from First Nations experts and innovators in First Nations health, and will feature a series of real-world case-study presentations, an interactive panel discussion and storytelling with First Nations POC operators, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and POCT cultural governance bodies.    



Title: Future-fit National Immunisation Programs – Are we ready?

Organisation Name: MSD

Hosted by: MSD

Symposium Summary:

As health threats continue to evolve and new technologies offer the potential for increasingly promising possibilities, challenges within the current National Immunisation Program (NIP) structure risk leading to missed opportunities and less than optimal coverage rate successes.

While the latest vaccines provide opportunities to adapt immunisation strategies to address changing epidemiology and unmet need, health technology assessment processes must also be progressed.

Now, more than ever, it is critical to ensure the immunisation platform is ready and fit for purpose.

Policy makers must leverage innovations to create an NIP capable of offering seamless transitions for immunisers and minimise threats and delays to funded vaccines access, while increasing uptake rates and expanding cohort eligibilities to better protect the community.

Is Australia ready for a future-fit NIP? Where do the challenges and opportunities lie, how does changing epidemiology impact the challenges and what needs to be done to adapt the NIP to better protect Australians?     

To register your attendance please click on Symposium Registration button.

Registrations for the Symposiums will close on Thursday 30 May 2024.

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